
събота, 6 юли 2013 г.

New decorated tips


In this post I`ll show you the new tips I made today.
Part of them are inspired by someone.

I wanted to try the one stroke waterdrops which seem to be very actual theese days.
So here is what it turned out ->

Well, it didn`t turn out the way it had to be but as for the first time I think they`re good. The rose is also painted with the one stroke technique.

Next one, again one stroke mainly ->

I`ve made a tutorial of it so you`ll see how to make it very soon. :)
Same for the third one (the first one on the pic) ->

So, be aware of new Step by step tutorials on my blog if you`re interested in theese designs. :)

That`s it for now.
Take care!

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